As the largest and in many ways, the most vulnerable organ in the human body, the skin is prone to a wide range of skin concerns, but the among the most common are:


Oily and Acne-Prone Skin: £220 per session

Due to the multifactorial nature of oily and acne prone skin, keeping it under control and stopping its evolution into severe acne is one of the most  challenging skin problems a dermatologist can face. Asking for professional advice is the first step you should take if you think you suffer inflammatory acne and the best way to prevent its worsening and the formation of scars. To help you deal with acne, we offer a variety of professional treatments and at -home essential medical products that can be used alone or combined to control acne-prone and oily skin and prevent breakouts.
Triggering Factors

Fluctuating hormones: Hormones are the primary trigger for acne but not the only one. the skin conditions is what we call a multifactorial one, which means that it can be triggered or worsened by several other factors cited below.
Oily skin: Pores can easily be clogged by an excess of oils.
Eating habits: It has been proven that the following foods increase breakouts,
  • Processed or highly processed foods and drinks
  • Starches (potatoes, pasta, etc.)
  • Fast food
  • Greasy food
Oily-based beauty products: Some oils and silicones can encourage pore- clogging in skins that already have a tendency. Non- comedogenic products are ideal for oily skin to avoid the formation of comedones.
Certain medications: Especially hormonal medications, such as corticoids, contraceptives, anabolic steroids, or testosterone.
Stress: Stress is not exactly a triggered factor, but it definitely exacerbates the condition if you already have it.

Treatment Solution

Transform Acne struggles into success stories with INNOAESTHETICS! 

The advanced medical formulations are designed to target and treat acne effectively, leaving clear, healthy and glow skin you long for.
Key ingredients that make the difference:

  • Salicylic Acid: Deeply penetrates pores to dissolve impurities and excess oil.
  • Niacinamide: Reduces inflammation and redness, promoting a balanced skin tone .
  • Lactic Acid: Gently exfoliates dead skin sells, unveiling a smoother completion.
  • Glycolic Acid: Exfoliates the skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and improves skin texture.
  • Exfoliates and cleanses the skin in depth
  • Controls and prevents bacteria proliferation.
  • Unclogs pilosebaceous pores.
  • Decreases sebum production.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Helps to close skin pores.
  • Attenuates and prevents acne scars.
  • Improves skin condition and texture.


Facial Redness and Rosacea: £220 per session

Sometimes your face flushes after a spicy meal, when you get nervous, or when exposed to harsh climatic conditions such as high or low temperatures, wind, and hot or cold water. If you notice that your face changes color easily, or if some areas look usually red, then these manifestations may be telling you that there is an underlying skin problem and that you should do something about it.   

Most common causes

Many internal factors and external factors, or the combination of both, can lead to the inflammation or breaking of capillary vessels and trigger facial redness,  most commonly:

Internal factors

  • weak connective tissue
  • weak capillary walls
  • lack of elasticity of blood vessels
  • alternations in skin microcirculation.
  • blood vessels are more visible in thin skin. your skin becomes thinner as age
External stressors
  • increased body temperature. it can be caused by spicy food, nerves, exercise, etc.
  • external temperature fluctuations
  • alcohol or cigarette consumption can worsen it

Treatment Solution

It is important to control facial redness before it turns into a severe condition like couperose or rosacea. To that end, INNOESTHETIC'S medical treatments and specific products  plan promotes skin resistance and stimulates the defense and reparative mechanisms of skin barrier. Moreover it deeply moisturizes and balances vascular irregularities to reduce skin burning sensation. Therefore, it effectively reduces vascular spiders and erythema, and prevents inflammation.

Sensitive and Reactive Skin: £220 per session

Sensitive and reactive skin is a multifactorial ailment that causes vascular hyper-reactivity and the weakening of the skin barrier. These skin types overreact to outer and inner stressors, triggering inflammation and irritation too easily, which ultimately leads to an increase in pain sensitivity.


Identify sensitive skin
Sensitive skin reacts to most stimuli that can be weather external or internal.
Cold weather, wind, hot or cold water, the intake of medications, contact with most cosmetic products, soaps, chemical substances, certain fabrics or jewelry, etc.
Stress, hormonal imbalance (menstruation, pregnancy, etc.)
We can classify the signs of sensitive skin into subjective or objective. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, most signs are subjective and not always accompanied by physical manifestations
Subjective or sensory symptoms
  • Itching
  • Burning sensation
  • stinging sensation
  • Tightness and dryness
Objective or visual signs
  • Blushing and flushing
  • inflammation
  • eczema
  • hives
  • rashes
Skin sensitive can affect any body area, however, it is more common in the face, as the skin in this area is thinner and more exposed to environmental stressors.
Causes of sensitive skin
Natural predisposition
All bodies are different, and so is the skin. some people's skin may react faster to stressors simply because their skin is thinner and external stressors penetrate more easily. Additionally, the nervous system also plays a crucial role in skin hyperreactivity. Some people have nerve endings that react more to any stimulus, causing discomfort or triggering inflammation.
Fair-skinned people are generally more affected by this condition, as their skin is slightly thinner than those with dark skin tones.
Disrupted skin barrier function
The skin barrier is the protective film on the top of the skin that impedes the penetration of substances. therefore, a disrupted skin barrier function facilities the penetration of irritants and leaves the nerve ending poorly protected, which ultimately leads to skin hyperreactivity and sensitivity.
Stress and Hormones
Indeed, stress makes keratinocytes produce a hormone called Cortisol which promotes inflammation. Furthermore, the fluctuation of estrogen throughout the women's monthly cycle makes the skin more sensitive and reactive. Hormonal imbalance can down or up- regulate sebum production with all the implications it may have on skin health and the integrity of the skin barrier. 
Treatment Solutions
We have professional in clinic soft chemical peel specific for sensitive skin that promotes the generation and strengthening of skin barrier combined with transdermal solution and at home medical skin care products  that boosts the skin barrier function and skin defenses, effectively preventing skin hyperreactivity.


Dry and Very Dry Skin: £220 per session

Dry skin not only has cosmetic implications but is also uncomfortable and can trigger other skin problems.

Xerosis is a common skin ailment that makes your skin dry and hinders its ability to absorb moisture and hold it. As a result, the skin loses vitality and elasticity, looking dull and turning rough to the touch. For many, it can also become scaly and cracked in certain body areas and feel tight – which is quite uncomfortable.

Getting rid of dry skin is so unlikely that it is considered a skin type instead of a skin condition.

Therefore, people with xerosis are obliged to use moisturizing creams and lotions at least twice a day to cope with it and prevent it from getting worse. 


Treatment solutions

A set of products that include in-office professional solutions and at-home skincare products to deeply moisturize the skin.
It is a two-step soft chemical peel specifically designed to moisturize and improve the condition of dry skin. First, Step 1 exfoliates dead cells, getting rid of flaky skin, and prepares the skin to better absorb the ingredients in Step 2, optimizing their effects. Then, Step 2 restores the moisture levels of the skin and, most importantly, repairs the acid mantle, which helps to prevent skin dryness in the long term.

Then we use Transdermal solution that deeply moisturizes the skin from the inside, also improving elasticity, firmness, and glow. This potent formula also strengthens both the hydrolipid mantle and the skin barrier, thus enhancing skin defenses and preventing dehydration. Its highly moisturizing properties plump the skin up immediately, leaving a much younger-looking and attractive appearance.


For all the above problem skin , We recommend a course of 4 clinic-based treatment sessions, carried out at regular intervals, along with the continued regular use of the home care products to counter your specific concern.  

Through a combination of weekly peels and transdermal solution delivered through micro needling or mesotherapy at the clinic and the regular daily use of recommended skin care products for home use, you will soon see the difference to your skin by directly targeting your skin concerns.